Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Local Newspapers...

As I noted two days ago, it is fun to read the local newspaper at the beach.

Today, in the want-ads:

LOST: Boxer, 10 mo. old female, answers to "No-No." Needs medication. Call (number)

Now, yes, that's sad. But if you have to call your dog by screaming "NO! NO!" it is likely that (a) the dog will need medication, and (b) it will run away.

Two spots down, in the want-ads:

LOST: Fluffy female cat, black and gray striped, has 1 eye. Answers to "Roxy." Call (number)

Um... It's a CAT. It doesn't answer to anything. Cats only answer to reverse psychology: when you want them to go away, they come bug you. Perhaps if you go out and yell "NO! NO!" then old Roxy will come to you.

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